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LOT 4003

Amazonia / Koch-Grünberg Expedition Portraits and ethnographical studies of inigenous people of the Amazon region

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Photographer: George Huebner (1862-1935). Portraits and ethnographic studies of indigenous people of the Amazon region. 1903-05. 4 vintage collodion paper prints. Various sizes, 16 x 11,3 cm, 13 x 9 cm and 11,3 x 9,3 cm. 2 with number in negative in upper left corner; each annotated in pencil/crayon on the verso.

The German ethnologist and explorer Theodor Koch-Grünberg made valuable contributions to the study of indigenous peoples in South America, particularly the Pemon Indians of Venezuela and indigenous peoples of Brazil in the Amazon region. Koch travelled with photographer George Huebner to document the people he studied. In 1906, he published photogravures of the individuals he encountered on the expedition in his monumental work "Indianertypen aus dem Amazonasgebiet nach eigenen Aufnahmen während seiner Reise in Brasilien" (1906). A written account of his trip, including his study of the Baniwa, was published in two volumes in 1910-11 under the title "Zwei Jahre Unter den Indianern. Reisen in Nord-West Brasilien, 1903-1905". His descriptions of Brazilian tribes, illustrated with photographs, are still utilized by anthropologists and ethnologists today. Two of the photographs offered here were most likely included in one of Theodor Koch's publications, as they have notations referring to illustration numbers on the verso. – A few light handling marks/surface nicks, otherwise strong prints in very good condition.

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Sale price
Time, Location
05 Jun 2024
Germany, Berlin
Auction House

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Photographer: George Huebner (1862-1935). Portraits and ethnographic studies of indigenous people of the Amazon region. 1903-05. 4 vintage collodion paper prints. Various sizes, 16 x 11,3 cm, 13 x 9 cm and 11,3 x 9,3 cm. 2 with number in negative in upper left corner; each annotated in pencil/crayon on the verso.

The German ethnologist and explorer Theodor Koch-Grünberg made valuable contributions to the study of indigenous peoples in South America, particularly the Pemon Indians of Venezuela and indigenous peoples of Brazil in the Amazon region. Koch travelled with photographer George Huebner to document the people he studied. In 1906, he published photogravures of the individuals he encountered on the expedition in his monumental work "Indianertypen aus dem Amazonasgebiet nach eigenen Aufnahmen während seiner Reise in Brasilien" (1906). A written account of his trip, including his study of the Baniwa, was published in two volumes in 1910-11 under the title "Zwei Jahre Unter den Indianern. Reisen in Nord-West Brasilien, 1903-1905". His descriptions of Brazilian tribes, illustrated with photographs, are still utilized by anthropologists and ethnologists today. Two of the photographs offered here were most likely included in one of Theodor Koch's publications, as they have notations referring to illustration numbers on the verso. – A few light handling marks/surface nicks, otherwise strong prints in very good condition.

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Sale price
Time, Location
05 Jun 2024
Germany, Berlin
Auction House