Andy Warhol (American, 1928-1987) - House of Flowers
Andy Warhol (American, 1928-1987) - House of Flowers
Inscribed ‘Saint Subber/presents/Truman and Harold HOUSE OF Flowe [sic]/ starring/Pearl Bailey’ and with other illegible inscriptions, ink on paper
Sheet size: 16 3/4 x 13 3/4 in. (42.5 x 34.9cm)
The Collection of Sidney Rothberg, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
% from the market value
Sale price
Time, Location
Auction House
Andy Warhol (American, 1928-1987) - House of Flowers
Inscribed ‘Saint Subber/presents/Truman and Harold HOUSE OF Flowe [sic]/ starring/Pearl Bailey’ and with other illegible inscriptions, ink on paper
Sheet size: 16 3/4 x 13 3/4 in. (42.5 x 34.9cm)
The Collection of Sidney Rothberg, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
% from the market value