[Cartography]. Wagenaar, L.J. The mariners mirrour. Introd. R.A. Skelton. Amst.,...
[Cartography]. Wagenaar, L.J. The mariners mirrour. Introd. R.A. Skelton. Amst., N. Israel/ Meridian Publishing Co., 1966, XIp., num. double-p. facs. maps (not paginated), orig. cl., folio.
= Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, third series, vol. 2. Facs. reprint of the ed. London, 1588.
Schotanus à Sterringa, B. Uitbeelding der Heerlijkheit Friesland (...) nevens d'afteekening van Oud Friesland (...) door den Heere Menso Alting. Leeuw./ Amst., De Tille/ Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, 1979, no pagination, num. (fold.) maps, orig. gilt artif. leather, large folio.
= Facs. reprint of the ed. Leeuwarden, 1718; contains an introduction by C. Koeman (2p.) and a bio-bibliographical essay by J.J. Kalma (16p.).
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[Cartography]. Wagenaar, L.J. The mariners mirrour. Introd. R.A. Skelton. Amst., N. Israel/ Meridian Publishing Co., 1966, XIp., num. double-p. facs. maps (not paginated), orig. cl., folio.
= Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, third series, vol. 2. Facs. reprint of the ed. London, 1588.
Schotanus à Sterringa, B. Uitbeelding der Heerlijkheit Friesland (...) nevens d'afteekening van Oud Friesland (...) door den Heere Menso Alting. Leeuw./ Amst., De Tille/ Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, 1979, no pagination, num. (fold.) maps, orig. gilt artif. leather, large folio.
= Facs. reprint of the ed. Leeuwarden, 1718; contains an introduction by C. Koeman (2p.) and a bio-bibliographical essay by J.J. Kalma (16p.).