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LOT 63267

D'Orbigny - 4 Shell Engravings

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This originally hand-colored, natural history plate is from Charles D’Orbigny’s work Dictionnaire Universel d’Histoire Naturelle. This first edition work was published in 1849 in Paris by Renard & Martinet. This engraving is from a large paper edition of the work.

The entire work consisted of 288 engravings of flowers, birds, mammals, insects, fishes, and shells. The work was considered one of the paramount natural history collections of that time featuring wonderfully illustrated natural history plates. Many distinguished artists contributed to the work include Edouard Travies, Susemihl, Oudart, Werner, Vaillant, Meunier, Dalarue, Blanchard, Maubert, and Pretre. Most of the bird illustrations were provided by Travies who was a celebrated artist of his time. Each plate features the order, genus, and species printed in Latin and French in the lower margin. The plates feature great detail and attractive original hand coloring. Many of the plates were finished with shellac which adds to the strength of the coloring.
Dimensions: ~ 9 1/4" by 11 3/4" Artist Name: Charles D'Orbigny Literature: Dictionnaire Universel d’Histoire Naturelle Medium: Originally Hand-colored Engraving Circa: 1849

Condition: The work is in very good condition. There may be a few minor imperfections to be expected with age. Please review the image carefully for condition and contact us with any questions.

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Sale price
Time, Location
15 Jun 2024
USA, Franklin, MA
Auction House

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This originally hand-colored, natural history plate is from Charles D’Orbigny’s work Dictionnaire Universel d’Histoire Naturelle. This first edition work was published in 1849 in Paris by Renard & Martinet. This engraving is from a large paper edition of the work.

The entire work consisted of 288 engravings of flowers, birds, mammals, insects, fishes, and shells. The work was considered one of the paramount natural history collections of that time featuring wonderfully illustrated natural history plates. Many distinguished artists contributed to the work include Edouard Travies, Susemihl, Oudart, Werner, Vaillant, Meunier, Dalarue, Blanchard, Maubert, and Pretre. Most of the bird illustrations were provided by Travies who was a celebrated artist of his time. Each plate features the order, genus, and species printed in Latin and French in the lower margin. The plates feature great detail and attractive original hand coloring. Many of the plates were finished with shellac which adds to the strength of the coloring.
Dimensions: ~ 9 1/4" by 11 3/4" Artist Name: Charles D'Orbigny Literature: Dictionnaire Universel d’Histoire Naturelle Medium: Originally Hand-colored Engraving Circa: 1849

Condition: The work is in very good condition. There may be a few minor imperfections to be expected with age. Please review the image carefully for condition and contact us with any questions.

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Sale price
Time, Location
15 Jun 2024
USA, Franklin, MA
Auction House