KESTNER bisque head doll, 34 cm, socket head, blue sleepy eyes, closed mouth, jointed body, mohair
bisque head doll, 34 cm, socket head, blue sleepy eyes, closed mouth, jointed body, mohair wig, tear at the side, color deviations at the hands, old clothes, partially worn, old shoes - "Sammlung Christa Fassina"
German Description
Biskuitporzellankopf-Puppe, 34 cm, Kurbelkopf, blaue Schlafaugen, geschl. Mund, Gliederkörper, Mohair-Perücke, seitl. Riss, Farbunterschied an den Händen, alte Kleidung, teilw. verschlissen, alte Schuhe - "Sammlung Christa Fassina"
Sale price
Time, Location
Auction House
bisque head doll, 34 cm, socket head, blue sleepy eyes, closed mouth, jointed body, mohair wig, tear at the side, color deviations at the hands, old clothes, partially worn, old shoes - "Sammlung Christa Fassina"
German Description
Biskuitporzellankopf-Puppe, 34 cm, Kurbelkopf, blaue Schlafaugen, geschl. Mund, Gliederkörper, Mohair-Perücke, seitl. Riss, Farbunterschied an den Händen, alte Kleidung, teilw. verschlissen, alte Schuhe - "Sammlung Christa Fassina"