[LINCOLN, Abraham (1809-1865)]. The New-York Times. Gettysb...
[LINCOLN, Abraham (1809-1865)]. The New-York Times. Gettysburg Address. New York, November, 20, 1863. Vol. XIII, No. 3794. 8 folio pages on folded folio leaves. Each page approximately 536 x 395 mm. Toned, one horizontal crease at center, four hole-punched holes on left margin. Toned, foxed, some occasional soiling, fold between pp. 1 and 8 nearly completely torn. FIRST PRINTING OF ONE OF THE FIRST APPEARANCES OF LINCOLN’S GETTYSBURG ADDRESS ON P. 1, PUBLISHED MERE HOURS AFTER LINCOLN DELIVERED IT. Due to the huge circulation of the Times, this may be considered to be the most important first appearance of this landmark speech. Due to the Times’ Republican sympathies, this speech (and some others) appeared on the first page. The headline: “The Heroes of July / A Solemn ad Imposing Event. / Dedication of the National Cemetery at Gettysburgh. [sic] / Immense Numbers of Visitors. / Oration by Hon. Edward Everett-Speeches of President Lincoln, Mr. Seward and Governor Seymour / The Programme Successfully Carried Out.”
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[LINCOLN, Abraham (1809-1865)]. The New-York Times. Gettysburg Address. New York, November, 20, 1863. Vol. XIII, No. 3794. 8 folio pages on folded folio leaves. Each page approximately 536 x 395 mm. Toned, one horizontal crease at center, four hole-punched holes on left margin. Toned, foxed, some occasional soiling, fold between pp. 1 and 8 nearly completely torn. FIRST PRINTING OF ONE OF THE FIRST APPEARANCES OF LINCOLN’S GETTYSBURG ADDRESS ON P. 1, PUBLISHED MERE HOURS AFTER LINCOLN DELIVERED IT. Due to the huge circulation of the Times, this may be considered to be the most important first appearance of this landmark speech. Due to the Times’ Republican sympathies, this speech (and some others) appeared on the first page. The headline: “The Heroes of July / A Solemn ad Imposing Event. / Dedication of the National Cemetery at Gettysburgh. [sic] / Immense Numbers of Visitors. / Oration by Hon. Edward Everett-Speeches of President Lincoln, Mr. Seward and Governor Seymour / The Programme Successfully Carried Out.”