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LOT 0045

Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) Autograph correspondence with Max Pellequer, Les années La Californie

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Pablo Picasso (1881-1973)
Autograph correspondence with Max Pellequer, Les années La Californie a Cannes, 1955-1961
91 signed autograph letters in different formats and materials, and a newspaper clipping.
- 2 letters (21 Dec. 1955 - 18.12.58), one page in-quarto and a postcard (20.6.60).
Picasso is happy to have his children Claude and Paloma (from his relationship with Francoise Gilot) for the holidays.
- 4 letters (12.7.55 - 8.9.55 - 15.9.55 - 5 October 1955) one page and a note with a Western Union Cablegram header (undated).
Picasso mentions the filming of the documentary Le Mystere Picasso Henri-Georges Clouzot is making, hoping he will enjoy it and inviting him at the Marbeuf in Paris.
The film will be presented at the Cannes festival in 1956, and received the jury's special prize.
- 4.3.56. 1 page in-octo. Blue ballpoint pen.
Picasso introduces Roland Penrose who is writing a book about him so he can show him the works by Picasso he owns.
The book's title is Portrait of Picasso, Lund Humphries, London, 1956.
- 13.6. 57. 2 pages in-quarto. Green, blue, and red colored pencils.
Picasso presents his program in Cannes : rooms he booked, corrida, exhibition opening [for a ceramics exhibition in Vallauris], dinner with the Coopers and the mayor.
- 24.1.61. 1 page in-quarto. Blue ballpoint pen.
Picasso asks for news from Braque and his brother Raoul.
- 25 October 1959. Clipping from the Patriote newspaper, an article on Picasso's 78th birthday, which he sent to Max Pellequer.
- 3 letters (19.5.60 - 21 May 60 - 26 April 1961), one to two pages. Blue ballpoint pen.
Picasso mensions de runs and corridas of Nimes and Arles.

- From 26.4.55 to 30 October 1961.
74 letters and 3 postcards, administrative, relating to his banking issues.
Note : In 1955, Picasso left Vallauris for the heights of Cannes at the Villa La Californie with his new partner Jacqueline Roque whom he would marry in 1961. He lived in the villa until 1965.

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Sale price
Time, Location
15 Feb 2024
France, Paris
Auction House

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Pablo Picasso (1881-1973)
Autograph correspondence with Max Pellequer, Les années La Californie a Cannes, 1955-1961
91 signed autograph letters in different formats and materials, and a newspaper clipping.
- 2 letters (21 Dec. 1955 - 18.12.58), one page in-quarto and a postcard (20.6.60).
Picasso is happy to have his children Claude and Paloma (from his relationship with Francoise Gilot) for the holidays.
- 4 letters (12.7.55 - 8.9.55 - 15.9.55 - 5 October 1955) one page and a note with a Western Union Cablegram header (undated).
Picasso mentions the filming of the documentary Le Mystere Picasso Henri-Georges Clouzot is making, hoping he will enjoy it and inviting him at the Marbeuf in Paris.
The film will be presented at the Cannes festival in 1956, and received the jury's special prize.
- 4.3.56. 1 page in-octo. Blue ballpoint pen.
Picasso introduces Roland Penrose who is writing a book about him so he can show him the works by Picasso he owns.
The book's title is Portrait of Picasso, Lund Humphries, London, 1956.
- 13.6. 57. 2 pages in-quarto. Green, blue, and red colored pencils.
Picasso presents his program in Cannes : rooms he booked, corrida, exhibition opening [for a ceramics exhibition in Vallauris], dinner with the Coopers and the mayor.
- 24.1.61. 1 page in-quarto. Blue ballpoint pen.
Picasso asks for news from Braque and his brother Raoul.
- 25 October 1959. Clipping from the Patriote newspaper, an article on Picasso's 78th birthday, which he sent to Max Pellequer.
- 3 letters (19.5.60 - 21 May 60 - 26 April 1961), one to two pages. Blue ballpoint pen.
Picasso mensions de runs and corridas of Nimes and Arles.

- From 26.4.55 to 30 October 1961.
74 letters and 3 postcards, administrative, relating to his banking issues.
Note : In 1955, Picasso left Vallauris for the heights of Cannes at the Villa La Californie with his new partner Jacqueline Roque whom he would marry in 1961. He lived in the villa until 1965.

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Sale price
Time, Location
15 Feb 2024
France, Paris
Auction House