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LOT 85165165

Roberto Bellarmino - Tractatus de potestate summi pontificis in rebus temporalibus adversus Gulielmum Barclaium - 1610

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Very rare seventeenth century by one of the most important Doctors of the Church

Tractatus de potestate summi pontificis in rebus temporalibus adversus gulielmum barclaium author roberto sre card bellarmino recens ad exemplar romanum impressus -15 x 10 cm. 320 S. , [2] -Yellowed pages due to paper quality. Whole coeval parchment

Roberto Bellarmino (Roberto Francesco Romolo Bellarmino) (Rome, 4 October 1542 – Rome, 17 September 1621) was an Italian Jesuit, theologian, writer and apologist. Pope Clement VIII, of whom he was a close advisor, created him cardinal priest in 1599. Appointed archbishop of Capua and consecrated bishop in 1602, he was recalled to Rome in 1605 by Paul V, who considered him indispensable. As a member of the Sacred Congregation of the Roman and Universal Inquisition, he actively participated in the trial of Giordano Bruno, burned alive on 17 February 1600, and in the controversies arising from Galileo's astronomical theories. He participated in the revision of the Vulgate by Saint Jerome. He was also a talented exegete and wrote a Hebrew grammar and a commentary on the Psalms. Pope Pius

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Time, Location
24 Jun 2024
Auction House

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Very rare seventeenth century by one of the most important Doctors of the Church

Tractatus de potestate summi pontificis in rebus temporalibus adversus gulielmum barclaium author roberto sre card bellarmino recens ad exemplar romanum impressus -15 x 10 cm. 320 S. , [2] -Yellowed pages due to paper quality. Whole coeval parchment

Roberto Bellarmino (Roberto Francesco Romolo Bellarmino) (Rome, 4 October 1542 – Rome, 17 September 1621) was an Italian Jesuit, theologian, writer and apologist. Pope Clement VIII, of whom he was a close advisor, created him cardinal priest in 1599. Appointed archbishop of Capua and consecrated bishop in 1602, he was recalled to Rome in 1605 by Paul V, who considered him indispensable. As a member of the Sacred Congregation of the Roman and Universal Inquisition, he actively participated in the trial of Giordano Bruno, burned alive on 17 February 1600, and in the controversies arising from Galileo's astronomical theories. He participated in the revision of the Vulgate by Saint Jerome. He was also a talented exegete and wrote a Hebrew grammar and a commentary on the Psalms. Pope Pius

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Time, Location
24 Jun 2024
Auction House