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LOT 79139967

Willy Sluiter (1873-1949) - Variety evening in Amsterdam

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Willy Sluiter (1873-1949)
Work dimensions: 48 x 38 cm
Technique: Pastel, chalk and pencil on paper
Frame: This work is surrounded by a beautiful handmade frame
Provenance: Privately owned, Amsterdam Netherlands
Willy Sluiter had two distinct talents. He painted beautiful, impressionistic landscapes and harbor and beach views. In addition, he was a born draftsman who was able to capture life around him in smooth, often humorous sketches and watercolors, of which this work is a wonderful example. Sluiters' talent for drawing also led to many assignments for book covers, illustrations, posters and other advertising work. From the 1920s he was a well-known and very successful artist.
Viewing is of course possible. We also have our own in-house frame shop, which is celebrating its 85th anniversary. The condition of the work only concerns the artwork, not the frame. We also use restorers from the trade organization: 'Restauratoren Nederland'. If you would like to use this, we would of course like to hear from you.
#Tableau. Q1

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Sale price
Time, Location
03 Mar 2024
Auction House

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Willy Sluiter (1873-1949)
Work dimensions: 48 x 38 cm
Technique: Pastel, chalk and pencil on paper
Frame: This work is surrounded by a beautiful handmade frame
Provenance: Privately owned, Amsterdam Netherlands
Willy Sluiter had two distinct talents. He painted beautiful, impressionistic landscapes and harbor and beach views. In addition, he was a born draftsman who was able to capture life around him in smooth, often humorous sketches and watercolors, of which this work is a wonderful example. Sluiters' talent for drawing also led to many assignments for book covers, illustrations, posters and other advertising work. From the 1920s he was a well-known and very successful artist.
Viewing is of course possible. We also have our own in-house frame shop, which is celebrating its 85th anniversary. The condition of the work only concerns the artwork, not the frame. We also use restorers from the trade organization: 'Restauratoren Nederland'. If you would like to use this, we would of course like to hear from you.
#Tableau. Q1

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Sale price
Time, Location
03 Mar 2024
Auction House