0176: 1581 HISTORY of FRANCE 16th... Estimate: Login
0182: 1566 PINDARI OLYMPIA vellum... Estimate: Login
0183: 1719 MONSIEUR BOSSU'S TREATISE... Estimate: Login
0187: 1701 SERMONS by Capuchin... Estimate: Login
0188: 1729 VELLUM BINDING 3 FOLIO... Estimate: Login
0197: 1725 MATHEMATICS FOR ARTILLERY... Estimate: Login
0198: 1599 HISTOIRE DE FL. IOSEPHE... Estimate: Login
0200: 1840 FLAGSHIP VOYAGE AROUND... Estimate: Login
0201: 1726 VALERIUS MAXIMUS Dictorum... Estimate: Login
0202: 1716 ROMAN ANTIQUITIES... Estimate: Login
0203: 1743 ROSINUS Johannes ROMAN... Estimate: Login
0205: 1660 ENGLANDS GLORY or... Estimate: Login
0206: 1731 Pausanias ou Voyage de La... Estimate: Login
0216: 1553 PETRARCH VELLUM BINDING... Estimate: Login
0228: 1722 4 VOLUMES PHYSICA... Estimate: Login
0229: 1747 POLYMETIS by J. Spence... Estimate: Login
0232: 1633 Conrad LYCOSTHENES GREEK... Estimate: Login
0233: 1803-1804 HISTORY of VOYAGES... Estimate: Login
0237: 1593 Disputationum Roberti... Estimate: Login
0244: 1682 Psalmorum Davidicorum 2... Estimate: Login
0245: 1676 LE METAMORFOSI by OVID... Estimate: Login
0246: 19th CENTURY MANUSCRIPT KORAN... Estimate: Login
0249: 1527 TACITUS ab exccessu divi... Estimate: Login
0253: early 19th CENTURY MANUSCRIPT... Estimate: Login
0254: 1719 ILLUSTRATED COMPENDIUM of... Estimate: Login
0255: 1634 BIBLE in ENGLISH antique... Estimate: Login
0260: 1568 ALESSANDRO ACHILLINI... Estimate: Login
0261: 1736 BIBLE in GERMAN... Estimate: Login
0266: 1776-77 4 vols DON QUIXOTE by... Estimate: Login
0268: 1631 HISTORY of HANSEATIC... Estimate: Login
0271: 1500-1512 POST-INCUNABULA 5... Estimate: Login
0274: 1727 SENECA in LATIN & GREEK... Estimate: Login
0279: 1630 Friedrich Forner antique... Estimate: Login
0281: 1593 NOTITIA UTRAQUE by Guido... Estimate: Login
0282: 1588 Alphabetical dictionary... Estimate: Login
0284: 1736 THEATRUM MACHINARUM FULLY... Estimate: Login
0288: 1563 PROPHET ISAIAH COMMENTRAY... Estimate: Login
0290: EARLY 19th c. KORAN OTTOMAN... Estimate: Login
0294: 1563 ANCIENT MEDALS TREATISE... Estimate: Login
0298: 1770 LAW BOOK in SPANISH &... Estimate: Login
0303: 1561 LA GEOGRAFIA DI CLAUDIO... Estimate: Login
0304: 1572 PLUTARCH PARALLEL LIVES 2... Estimate: Login
0309: 1544 COMMENTARY on PLATO'S... Estimate: Login
0315: 1566 TERTULLIANUS 2 volumes... Estimate: Login
0319: 1757 ARCHITECTURE ENGINEERING... Estimate: Login
0320: 1846 Divers Works of Early... Estimate: Login
0329: 1765 Journal of Life Travels... Estimate: Login
0333: 19th CENTURY ARABIC MANUSCRIPT... Estimate: Login
0339: 1600 GEOGRAPHICAL HISTORIE OF... Estimate: Login
0341: 1690 VELLUM BINDING 2 FOLIO... Estimate: Login
0347: 1771 GERMAN LAW BOOK antique... Estimate: Login
0348: 1598 Sermons for feast days by... Estimate: Login
0350: 1724 2 VOLUMES Commentary on... Estimate: Login
0352: 1593 OCCULT WITCHCRAFT... Estimate: Login
0354: 1777 PERU HISTORY 2 VOLUMES... Estimate: Login
0355: 1768 BIBLE in LATIN 10 volumes... Estimate: Login
0356: 1796 VOYAGES of CAPTAIN COOK 3... Estimate: Login
0366: 1545 WORKS of Aurelius... Estimate: Login
0367: 1620-21 CANON LAW antique... Estimate: Login
0368: 1555 SURGERY ILLUSTRATED... Estimate: Login
0369: 18th CENTURY PROPHECIES of... Estimate: Login
0371: 1710 POEMS RELATING TO STATE... Estimate: Login
0374: 1582 ROMAN GLADIATORS HISTORY... Estimate: Login
0375: 1790 BIBLE in ENGLISH OLD &... Estimate: Login
0377: 1577 PLANTIN PRESS... Estimate: Login
0378: 1797 BIBLE in DUTCH... Estimate: Login
0379: 1892 50 VOLUMES of Honere De... Estimate: Login
0380: 1593 PLANTIN PRESS Louis of... Estimate: Login
0381: 1884 DON QUIXOTE by SERVANTES... Estimate: Login
0382: 1770 CHIRURGY MEDICAL TREATISE... Estimate: Login
0385: 1685 ANCIENT CUSTUMES... Estimate: Login
0386: 1727 POETRY by PETRARCH... Estimate: Login