Market Analytics for Fine Art and Watches
Disclose the liquidity of assets for secure alternative investments and portfolio diversification
Artist | Profitability | Liquidity | Volatility |
Get to know the market value of an asset
Get an overview of the Actual Value, Liquid Price, Sell-Through Rate and other important indicators

Compare the asset with other similar ones
See how an artist or watch brand ranks against others in terms of Liquidity, Volatility and Profitability

Examine the price and volume trends
Follow changes in price and sales volume over the years, and see how much the prices may spread

Explore the database in detail
Open any lot on the scatter plot to get the full info with description, estimate and sale price

Understand the geographical arbitrage
Find out where your asset is more popular by sales price and volume to know in which Country and auction house you should buy or sell

Filter the lots to match your interest exactly
Make sure you analyze what you really care about: filter by keywords, subjects, country, size and price range

Market Analytics can bring information asymmetry and geographic arbitrage in your favor to make smart investment decisions in Fine Art and Timepieces. Assess price / volume trends and the real-time market value of a any given artist, watch brand or collectibles for insurance, investment, collateralization.
Exploit the financial opportunities of the art market: diversify your investment portfolio while enjoying aesthetics, ownership and cultural value.
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