Giovan Battista Salvi dit Sassoferrato (1609-1685) follower of - La vierge en prière
Giovan Battista Salvi aka Sassoferrato Surroundings of (Sassoferrato, 1609 - Rome, 1685) , Virgin in prayer oil on canvas from the XVIII or XIX CENTURIES. Old restoration. Needs varnish cleaning. Canvas size. 38cm X 46cm Frame dimensions of the same period. 43cm x 51cm. Origin Italy. Private collection
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Giovan Battista Salvi aka Sassoferrato Surroundings of (Sassoferrato, 1609 - Rome, 1685) , Virgin in prayer oil on canvas from the XVIII or XIX CENTURIES. Old restoration. Needs varnish cleaning. Canvas size. 38cm X 46cm Frame dimensions of the same period. 43cm x 51cm. Origin Italy. Private collection